We offer programs for children ranging from 2 years 6 months to 5 years old with two-, three-, and five-day schedules. Our morning program meets from 8:45-11:45 and our extended program meets from 8:45-2:45. Our programs provide three different class models to meet the needs of each child’s age and development before their Kindergarten year.
*An early drop off option is available at 8:00 am.
At this age, children are learning new things through exciting and fun hands-on experiences. Music, stories, small and large group activities, circle time, sensory play, imagination, outdoor play, and learning simplicities envelop much of the day. Children learn to collaborate together, be a friend, and participate in a classroom routine. Our Preschool program prepares children for their next year in Pre-Kindergarten or Junior Kindergarten. Our teachers are dedicated to helping each child develop these skills through a trusting Christ loving relationship. Children participate in Chapel and Music weekly.
Our Pre-Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten programs provide a strong foundation for kindergarten readiness. Our fun-filled curriculums engage each child's curiosity and allows them to explore mathematical, scientific, art, fine and gross motor skills, and literary skills while in a comfortable, stimulating environment that provides support while gaining independence. Weekly themes and engaging curriculum keep our children actively involved and learning. Exploration and motor development will continue during outdoor play as children engage in physical activity that promotes health related fitness and motor movement skills. Friendships are developed and children learn the skills to collaborate, problem solve, and share their emotions. Our teachers are attentive to understanding a child’s developmental level and learning style. They are committed to sharing Gods love toward each child through respect, encouragement, and example. Children participate in Chapel and Music weekly.
Our Extended Class is an opportunity to keep learning and playing throughout the day. Children become independent in eating their lunch and cleaning it up. During our 30-minute rest time children learn to relax their bodies while listening to soft music and looking at a book. After rest, our day will continue with circle time, small group learning, art, gross and fine motor skills, and an adventurous play time indoor and outdoor. *Sleeping children will rest longer than 30 minutes, as needed.
Children can come to school at 8:00 am before their class begins to enjoy play time, devotions, songs, and prayer!
We can keep our children moving with our motor development fitness program. The activities are fun, active, and challenging. Gymsters meets once a week and children can participate after their morning class or during rest time. The class will meet in our spacious gym or on the grass so that children can run, jump, skip, balance, and play with fun equipment!
*Registration for this Monday after class program is optional.
Trombone, Violin, Saxaphone...Oh my!! Music for Little Ones presented by the Almaden Academy of Music sets the foundation for a lifelong love for music. We learn to read and write music, play LOTS of instruments, and have tons of fun!
*Registration for this Friday after class program is optional.
Young children are learning all the time from their experiences, in and out of school. It is our goal at SOTV to give your child a love for learning. Our age-appropriate curriculum incorporates an understanding of new concepts each year they are at our school.
*Play, Phonics, Writing, Math, Social Studies, Music and Movement, Chapel, Art, Science, Cooking*
Art is a way to express feelings and understanding. At SOTV we give opportunity to enhance artistic and creative development. Children will use a variety of art media to draw, paint, print, mold, and create. Children will also visit "Art Cart" once a month with our Art Teacher to create a collage. During Art Cart children choose their art materials from the art buffet cart. They decide the amount, placement and design. This gives them the opportunity to be the creator of their work and shows an expression of their ideas.
It is our pleasure to share the love of the Lord with your children. Our staff will model and encourage the children to follow the ways of the Lord in their classrooms through devotions, prayer and learning to treat each other with love and kindness. Children will have a weekly chapel lesson with Pastor Weller or the Director. During Chapel children will sing praise songs, learn a weekly bible story out of "The Beginners Bible", and pray together. Each new student to SOTV will receive a copy of The Beginners Bible so that they can continue their knowledge of the bible stories with their family. www.thebeginnersbible.com
Cooking in the classroom is always a favorite! Children will have the opportunity to work with a variety of foods. They will bake, create, put together, and taste new and exciting foods. Children will also learn healthy eating habits for the bodies God gave them! In our cooking lessons children will build skills in grating, scooping and pouring. They will develop math skills while exploring quantity, weight, measurement, size, transformations, and concept of time. We will also learn new vocabulary as cooking has a language of its own!
Our classes use math concepts throughout the day. We sing songs with mathematical ideas, read books that showcase math, and build with blocks where children practice their skills in spatial awareness, number and operations, pattern and measurement. Young children are natural mathematicians who are genuinely curious and excited for mathematical processes. In addition to activities throughout the day each class will work with numbers as they relate to a certain amount, number recognition, and concepts such as more and fewer, far and near, short and tall, first and last. Children learn about math as they handle the routines of the day.
Music is a universal language and provides a link to emotions. Music brings joy, and is an important way to be part of our diverse culture. Children will use music and movement in their classes as well as have a weekly music class in the gym. The program includes the use of our voices, body movement, and senses. Simple instruments are used such as music sticks, maracas, bells, and tambourines. Children will dance with scarves and enjoy the use of the parachute!
Our classes use the Zoo-Phonics curriculum to teach the children to lock the sounds and shapes of the alphabet into memory through animal characters and body movements. The Zoo- Phonics program fully involves the child's eyes, ears, mouth and body as they learn phonemic awareness, the alphabet, and how to create words. Zoo-Phonics won the Teachers Choice award for best classroom curriculum! Zoo- Phonics brings fun and excitement into the classroom! www.zoo-phonics.com
Play supports the physical, social and emotional development in children. Through play, children develop the ways of expressing emotions and working out behaviors that enable them to create positive relationships with other children. At SOTV we encourage play through manipulatives, dramatic play, construction toys, art materials, books, puzzles, climbing structures, sand, water, sensory tables, and the outdoors. We allow children the time they need to engage in meaningful play.
Our Science curriculum follows the Content Standards of the National Academy of Sciences. Children will experience hands on activities in the areas of Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Science and Technology, Nature, and Weather. We encourage children's curiosity, exploration, and problem solving skills through our age appropriate Science experiences.
Children will learn about the world in which they live. We will explore our community through field trips, visits from resource people, games, literature, dances, art activities, maps, and cultural differences. We will also have an International Potluck in the fall to celebrate how God made us all special and unique.
Our classes use the Handwriting without Tears curriculum. This curriculum develops coloring, drawing, counting, and handwriting readiness through music and multi-sensory learning materials. Children will enjoy forming letters with wood pieces, play dough, chalk, and magnet boards. We will also develop the child's body awareness through "Mat Man". HWOT has won the Distinguished Achievement Award for the best children's curriculum as well as the Teacher's Choice award from Learning Magazine. www.hwot.com